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About Mojan

The Full Story

Since her early years, Mojan was aware of the power of the spoken word. This awareness strengthened throughout her life and she realized how powerful spell work (also called praying) is. The power behind words spoken sincerely can result in miracles. This has been a large part of Mojan’s experience. In situations that seemed hopeless and dire, she found comfort in the law of attraction and moved her life around in miraculous ways. This can also be YOUR experience! Since her pre-teen years, she searched for the fastest, easiest, and most effective healing methods. She's done lots of research, tried many techniques, and is certified in various holistic healing modalities including Life Coaching. Her life changed drastically when she discovered NLP.

In her own words:

At age 5 I took my grandmother's pain away just by waving my hand over her lower back. She made me promise her to become a Doctor one day and I agreed. After finding out how Doctors these days have little time to focus on their patients I decided to become a Healer instead. I've learned about the human body, aura, and physical energy system running through the body called meridians and chakras. Eventually, I found my way to the brain and realized that everything adjusts when you change something in the brain. So, I got certified as a Brain Education Leader to work in schools with children then discovered NLP and became a certified Coach. After 30 years of seeking, I found what I was seeking in NLP and I am thrilled to share my stories with those interested and apply techniques that help bring about wanted change. If you have ever tried changing yourself, you know how challenging it can be.


Disclaimer: Whenever you sign up for any of my services or follow my recommendations you also agree to use the information shared with respect for yourself and others. You also agree to avoid using it to cause harm! Intentionally causing someone harm will result in the enforced power of the law of cause and effect.

Black Marble
Black Marble


My mission is to increase the quality of life whenever and wherever possible.


My vision is to live in a world where people are connected and living from the level of their higher self. Knowing that every thought is a prayer, every word is an affirmation. Hence being mindful and self-aware.



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